The Bokrijk Open Air Museum is home to a unique collection of genuine buildings with household goods and associated tools, from different Flemish regions and eras.
It is because of this impressive and representative collection of 120 historical buildings that the Open Air Museum has received monument protection in 1996.
The historic buildings are the heart of the Open Air Museum, which has many years’ experience in maintaining its unique building stock. While drawing up a master plan, it became obvious that this heritage required a thorough and sustainable restoration. Keeping in mind the size and complexity of the project, Bokrijk worked out a multi-year plan for restoring the buildings.
In 2016, the Flemish government came to a multi-year agreement with Domein Bokrijk, a non-profit organisation, for the restoration of the heritage buildings in the Open Air Museum in Bokrijk, for the period from 2017 to 2021.